Wastewatereducation.org logo

Independent. Impartial. We provide access to information to empower sustainable, local, wastewater decision making.
Our Purpose
To provide education which increases public awareness of the link between clean drinking water, safe recreational waters, environmentally sustainable surface and groundwater with watershed based, best management practices related to appropriate wastewater systems, technology, treatment and management.

Information for the public

Water Conservation =
Energy Savings +
A happy LONG life for your septic system!

Are you drowning your drainfield?
Probably the most misunderstood component of your septic system is the billions of hard working bacteria that live in that soil.
And just like you they breath oxygen..... and just like you they don't do well holding their breath under water ...

At least 25% of the US population relies on onsite systems to safely treat their wastewater.

Probably the leading cause of failure is flooding due to leaky toilets and faucets or through improper landscaping and watering.

Not only is this a large future bill for repairs or replacement it's also going to make a mark on your water and electricity bills!

Here's a link to our One Page Helpful Hints Handout!

And also a link to our new education / competition project GardenForWater.com

Every year, in March, we participate in Fix A Leak Week! And award the Golden Plunger Award!

Water Is Worth it!

Want more information about the connection between water use and wastewater efficiency?
Click here to save some green AND blue!

For prior Fix A Leak Week Events see our Archive Page

And Check Out our Information Blog:
Sustainable WasteWater News!!

PO Box 792, Traverse City, MI 49685-0792 | Tel: 231 233 1806 | info@wastewatereducation.org | ©2017 WasteWater Education Tax ID: 20-0042087 | Lead Banner Image Credits: ©Photos.com ID 95119062,136694393